May 4, 2023

We haven’t even made it to the end of the week and already owners in the NSW Tycoons have had two of their horse’s, Blue Thorpedo and Sidenay, trial beautifully this week.

Sidenay travelled well, leading for most of the way before being taken over late to finish second at Wyong.

Jockey Rory Hutchings said he, “showed good speed and quickened up nicely in the straight.”

Trainer Kim Waugh will wait and see how he pulls up before she decides whether he’ll head to the races or another trial.

Meanwhile, there was nothing but praise from jockey Adam Hyeronimus who said Blue Thorpedo, “is a lovely filly and a big, strong horse.”

“She’s got a very good ideas of what’s going on. There’s no reason she can’t head to a race first up at Kembla and win.”

With so much potential we look forward to what co-trainers Gai Waterhouse and Adrian Bott decide to do with her next.