Feb 23, 2023

NSW Tycoons owners are certainly in for some thrilling times courtesy of their latest weapon released at Warwick Farm on Wednesday. 

It’s been a long wait but Cool Jakey was simply stunning on debut over 1200m on a Heavy 7 surface which he clearly reveled in, much to the delight of his army of owners who gave the old grandstand a shake with raucous support. 

“I know everyone has been very patient with him, this is actually the first preparation we have been able to even gallop him. As far as his future goes he’s got huge improvement to come,” trainer Mark Newnham said. 

It was also a gem of a ride from inform hoop Tyler Schiller who was able to get a nice trail behind the leader before pressing the button in the straight. 

“When I asked him to get into his work late he really knuckled down, he hit the front a long way out and hasn’t learned to put them away yet. But he has a few more gears there which is pretty exciting and he’s a horse going places,” jockey Tyler Schiller said.

A slowly maturing Pierro horse, Cool Jakey has been a work in progress and another youngster who’s just needed time and patient owners. That patience looks like it’s about to pay off. 

Cool Jakey has pulled up well with Mark still searching for his next target.